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  A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop?

  -asking parents to help stop the students from cheating

  -penalty or punishment to the students

  -asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated.


  Thanks to the easy access to Internet, children today have more education resources. By simply typing in keywords, they are able to search for knowledge quickly online. However, Internet also makes it easier for them to cheat in homework. With the help of various chatting software, they even can share what they have acquired. To discourage children from cheating, teachers have three solutions in mind, including parents’ supervision, strict punishment and assignments that are difficult for students to cheat. In my opinion, the second one is the best of all.

  To begin with, having severe punishment in place is the only solution that makes students consciously avoid cheating by themselves. It is important for students to realize how perilous to form the habit of cheating. Teachers fail to know students’ true academic performance, and students who find with fewer efforts they can also achieve a satisfied score will gradually refuse to work hard in both study and future career. The strict penalty reminds students the danger, warns them to actively regulate behaviors and stresses the significance of honesty and integrity. It is not worthy to take such a risk to deceive teachers. For example, when a student is found dishonest in an assignment, the professor should directly fail him in the subject and urge him to take it again the next year. A long term purpose of setting strict penalty is to educate students that whether there is supervision or not someday in future, they know that cheating is not the option.

  Secondly, it is difficult either for all parents to effectively supervise children’s homework or for teachers of all subjects to design homework that is impossible to cheat. Sometimes, parents are busy with work both in office and at home. There is not enough time left for them to check children’s homework page by page. It is also unfeasible for parents to sit by side with children who will feel uneasy and even upset. Or simply, some parents may feel embarrassing when they find that the subject their children are working on is beyond their knowledge to comprehend. Then, from the perspective of teachers, homework of different subjects take different forms. For literature teachers, it is easy to prevent students from cheating by assigning essay writing as homework. However, not all teachers are that lucky. For teachers teaching maths, physics and chemistry, most assignments they give to students are questions that require students to use formula to do calculation and there is just one correct answer. This kind of exercises are essential for students to grasp knowledge they acquire in class. Therefore, teachers of those subjects can hardly inhibit students from cheating by changing homework.

  In summary, to cope with the increasing number of students who cheat in homework, schools need to impose severe penalty on those who dare to cross the line. This is the most effective method to teach students to willingly regulate behaviors by themselves.

  本文作者:Cindy Pan(公众号:英文写作素材)


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