

高三 |









  It's a question every social media user faces after taking a great photo:Should I post this? Or is it going to come back to worry me? The questions get doubly complex when they involve children.A parent on average will post almost 1,000 photos of a child online before the child turns five,according to a recent survey.Are parents putting kids at risk by oversharing on social media?

  Here are the selections of the views.

  Lauren Apfel(US)

  The big reason to share is to build a community.I live,for example,thousands of miles from my family.In this atmosphere of modern parenthood,we all struggle to make it through the day,and the Internet has become a source of support.In the early years of mothering twins,one of the things that brought me the most happiness was posting pictures of them on Facebook.Sharing those photos and engaging with an online community was a lifeline.


  I don't post pictures of my kids online because I don't like it when friends of mine post photos of me online.It feels way too public and an exhibitionist to me.So I treat my kids the way I want to be treated.That is probably what the parents who are comfortable with online photos think,too,when they decide to put the photos out there.












  While it is common for a parent to post children's photos nowadays,people take different attitudes toward it.Some think it's beneficial while others are anxious about it.

  In my opinion,posting children's photos online is beneficial for people and makes a child better known.As a result,he is likely to have more chances to be successful in the future.It will also be easier for parents to communicate with other friends,for they have more to share with each other.Besides,it's a way to strengthen an online social circle and connect with people we don't know before.

  Although there may be some disadvantages that come with posting children's photos,it's not necessary to be too cautious about it.We should have confidence in our society because we won't throw away the apple because of the core.


  While it's common for a parent to post children's photos nowadays,people take different attitudes toward it.Some think it's beneficial while others are anxious about it.

  In my opinion,it is not always the smartest or safest thing to do so.What parents view as delightful photos may be interpreted differently by others and give a false image of what the child is really like.Besides,there is a growing crime called “digital kidnapping” in which individuals or companies steal children's images and use them in advertisements or other commercial activities.Apart from the obvious dangers of identity theft,it can result in them being reshared and altered by other online users without permission,which may end up damaging their school status or future career prospects.

  In short,although sharing children's photos online does have advantages,parents should be cautious about it.



  When 11­year­old Trevor begins 7th grade,his social studies teacher Eugene gives the class an assignment to design and put into action a plan that will change the world for the better.Trevor thinks hard and comes up with a plan.Trevor's plan is a charitable program based on the networking of good deeds.Trevor does a favor for three people,asking each of them to pay the favor forward by doing favors for three other people,and so on,along a branching tree of good deeds.His first good deed is to let a homeless man named Jerry live in his garage,and Jerry pays the favor forward by doing car repairs for Trevor's mother. Trevor then selects Eugene as his next target and tricks Eugene and Arlene,Trevor's mother,divorced and single now,into a romantic dinner date.After her date with Eugene,Arlene paid Jerry's favor forward by forgiving her own mother,Grace,for her mistakes in raising Arlene,and Grace,who is homeless,helps a gang member and the gang member then saves a girl's life in a hospital,and the girl's father gives the reporter his new car...

















  That's a touching story about an 11­year­old boy who designed and carried out the “Pay it Forward” program and tried to make a difference to change the world for the better.

  Trevor's idea is brilliant.It's like an invisible bond which connects everyone together and enables kindness to widely spread in every corner of the world.He not only puts his genius idea into action by doing a favor for three people,but also appeals to the recipients of favor to pay the favor forward.

  In my view,to change the world for the better,first and foremost,we should change ourselves for the better.So I will make a checklist of the bad habits I need to get rid of and the things I want to learn,which can motivate me to do some small changes every day.I will also appeal to my classmates to follow me by posting our checklists online and push each other to be a better self.

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